Brazil's street wants the country to make a U-turn

Written By Unknown on Senin, 24 Juni 2013 | 21.22

Shobhan Saxena
24 June 2013, 05:29 PM IST

Imagine a country where unemployment rate is at record low, inflation is in single digit, wages are rising, pensions are best in the world, poor workers are being guaranteed their rights, maids are getting the status of formal worker and the President enjoys more than 70% approval ratings, explodes into protests, with hundreds of thousands coming out on streets to demand "change". It doesn't make sense. But this is what happened in Brazil in the past few days. If you got your news from American news sources like the New York Times, Washington Post or Fox News, this was "Brazil's Spring" -- a "massive unrest of the young people against a leftist government"; or its winter of discontent as has happened in some European countries in recent months. 

But Brazil can't be compared with European countries like Spain or Greece, where the unemployment rate among the young is more than 50%. Brazil can't be compared with Arab Spring nations like Egypt or Tunisia because it's a fully-functioning democracy. Brazil can't be compared even with Turkey whose prime minister is seen as an autocrat by a large part of the population (in comparison Brazil's President Dilma Roussef is not liked by just 13% of the population). Brazil can't even be compared with UK, which has witnessed rallies, strikes, Occupy movements and rioting in recent years because of its systematic dismantling of welfare state (Brazil is spending huge amounts of money on social welfare). Brazil can't even be comapred with Russia because it has a free and independent media that is openly hostile to the federal government run by the Workers Party (PT).  Brazil can't even be compared with Venezuela or Argentina, which have both seen mass rallies in recent months, because it's not as polarised as its neighbouring countries. 

So how do we explain this "Spring", this "winter of discontent" if there are no similar movements to compare it with? Is the  Brazilian Spring so unique?

But there is one recent "Revolution" which has an uncanny similarity with what's happening in Brazil these days. In 2011, after a series of corruption scandals came to light in India, the Indian street was looking like what Brazil is these days. In August 2011, a Gandhian activist Anna Hazare went on an indefinite fast in New Delhi, demanding a new anti-corruption law. Within days, as TV channels covered his every statement and every move 24x7 and the social media buzzed with the news of the movement, huge crowds gathered in a ground in Delhi. Then the movement spread to other big cities like Mumbai and Bangalore, and finally some small towns too joined the rally. The way that movement was covered by the media, including the international press and TV channels, it seemed India was on the verge of a revolution. The government panicked and agreed to Anna Hazare's demand, and the movement was called off. Then in a truly Indian style, the government went back on its promise. The Gandhian tried to mobilise the nation again and again, but the crowds became thinner and thinner. Then, his core group of anti-corruption activists split after ugly public spats with each other. Last heard, Anna Hazare was travelling around the country, trying to build a new movement. There are a few people with him. TV cameras seem to have lost interest in him.     

Though it was not called an Indian Spring, Anna Hazare's movement happened soon after a wave of revolutions swept through the Arab world and it was difficult to miss the connection. But what was really surprising was the timing of the unrest. Unlike, the dictatorships of Middle-East, life in India has never been better for a vast number of people (a vast majority remains trapped in poverty). A functioning democracy with a free media and general improvement in the quality of life, India has few things in common with Hosni Mubarak's Egypt or Col Gaddafi's Libya. Interestingly, the Indian movement was against corruption, there was hardly any mass participation by the poor who are the biggest victims of corruption in India. On the contrary, it was joined mostly by the upper- and middle-classes which have benefitted from two decades of neoliberal economic policies that has actually widened wealth and income gaps in India.

With Facebook and Twitter buzzing with Anna Hazare's rather simplistic slogans for "changing" India, the movement energised that class of people who think politics is dirty and stay away from voting during elections. A large number of people from South Delhi and South Mumbai -- the two richest districts in India --  rushed to join the movement. Armed with their smartphones, middle-class students and professionals and businessmen suddenly found a political voice that came out in the form of slogans like "Change India", "All politicians are thieves" and "I want my country back".  There was an outrage against the politicians but not a word against the corporates who made billions in corrupt deals. There was an admiration for Anna Hazare's past as an armyman (he fought in the 1965 war with Pakistan) but total contempt for the national parliament. There were calls to conquer the parliament and smash it to the ground. (In Brasilia, they did climb over the National Congress and vandalised several government building) 

This week, as I saw the "Brazil Spring" on the streets of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasila, it was impossible not to a draw a parallel with what happened in India a couple of years ago. Though there was no Anna Hazare-like leader here, the sentiment on the street and the profile of the "revolutionaries" was almost similar to that of the "Indian Spring". In Sao Paulo and Rio and several other cities, most protesters sported high-end cameras, smartphones and trendy apparel. Though in cities like Fortaleza and Salvador, the poor did come out to protest against the public spending on World Cup, by and large they stayed away from these rallies.  Even as most western agencies, with the exception of Reuters, and newspapers were screaming of a "massive unrest" against the government, survey by some Brazilian firms revealed the true nature of these protests. According to a survey by Datafolha, one of the biggest market survey firms in Brazil, among the protesters some 84% support no political party, 77% have higher education, 53% were aged under 25 and 71% were first-time protesters (And, more than 90% faces in the protests were white, though they form just 50% of the population). Also, most rallies happened in the city centres or in middle-class areas, far from the fringes of the city where the majority of poor and working-class people live. This was the biggest chunk -- and most vocal -- of Brazilian protesters. This is also the class which is socially disengaged completely.  

The similarities didin't end there. Even the slogans of protest were similar: "Change Brazil", "This government doesn't represent me" and  "I want my country back" (exactly these words and in English). Just like India, the beneficiaries of 10 years of economic boom in Brazil were demanding a change the way their country functions.  
When the privileged and pampered classes come out on the street to demand "change" and "justice", one should know that the politicians are doing something right.  

Yes, both India and Brazil have huge problems. Corruption is a serious issue. Public services need to improve. The governments should spend more on education and health. But the problem is the people who were demanding the "change" mostly came from the class -- both in India and Brazil -- who don't need many public services. The middle-class, whose income levels have begun to reach global levels, have already declared independence from the state. They send their children to private schools, they go to private schools, they have private security, they have private transport and they drink bottled water, and they consider it below their dignity to vote in democartic elections. In India, they just done vote (South Delhi and South Mumbai, the two areas which were so involved in Anna Hazare's movement, have the lowest voting percentage in the country). In Brazil, where voting in presidential election is compulsory, some 18% people choose not to vote for any candidate. It's not surprising that 84% of those protesting on the Brazilian street said that they didn't like any political party. 

It's a class that likes to call itself "apolitical". It's class that doesn't want to stand with the masses. It's a class that connects with each other through social media. It's a class that doesn't believe in any cause that doesn't affect them directly. It's class whose rage is selective. I almost fell off my chair when I heard that the protesters were upset with police violence (the cops used a lot of tear gas and rubber bullets and batons in the initial stages of the movement). In cities like Rio and Sao Paulo, cops go into the slums and shoot people on the basis of mere suspicion almost every week.When the cops shoot small, black and poor boys in cold blood, not a soul is stirred in the leafy neighbourhoods of the city. But, this week, as their kids felt the tear-gas for the first time, they realised there was something called police violence in Brazil. 

So, what was this selective rage about? Why the politician is such a villain for this class? Why all politicains are being painted with the same brush? What do these protesters really want? 

I got my answer on Avenida Paulista -- the main avenue of the city -- a couple of days ago. One day after the Sao Paulo government made a decision to roll back the hike in metro and bus fares, which actually triggered the protests on June 6, as some political groups like the Workers Party (PT) tried to join demonstration, a huge group of muscular men unleashed violence on people carrying their party flags. Saying that "there was no place for political parties in these protests", these men tore their flags, beat people and shouted obscenities at the political workers, making them retreat to a corner. Even as they shouted slogans demanding arrest of PT leaders, one of them waved a banner that expressed support for the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), which had backed the 1964 military coup that plunged Brazil in 20 years of military dictatorship.

(I am not suggesting that all those participating in these protests are supporters of TFP. A lot of serious and sincere groups like Free Pass Movement (MPL), gay rights group, metal workers union, doctors and teachers association and other ordinary Brazilians too participated in the protests, making very legitimate demands for more public spending on education and health. But they did that without attacking the entire political class.  And the MPL, which started the protests against the transport hike but was initially ignored by the media,  decided to call off its rallies in Sao Paulo and other cities as it feared that vandals and Neofascists were trying to hijack the movement.)

But the question is why is Brazilian middle-class so upset with the country's politicians? And more importantly, why did the country's new middle class -- some 40 million Brazilians who have come out of poverty during the past decade -- decided to keep away from these protests. The answer lies in what the Workers Party (PT) has done in the country since 2002. They might have made huge mistakes on other fronts, but PT's work on social justice front is unprecedented. Their anti-poverty schemes like Bolsa Familia and Minha Casa, Minha Vida may not be flawless, but they have stirred a social change in Brazil. By using the country's economic boom to bridge the income gap and create equality, Presidents Lula and Dilma have done something which was not done in the country's 500-year-old history. There are millions of people in this country who never had it so good. They had work, but no dignity. They had votes, but no power. More than anything these policies have given the poor (majority of whom are blacks or mixed-race people) a chance to join the Brazilian dream.  

This has upset the old social order. Now, the middle-class housewives here miss the old days as maids have become rare and expensive. The business class constantly complaints about the country's labour laws and how difficult it is to "fire" workers. And, with the 50% quota for Black people and other marginalised groups in educational institutions being implemented now, Brazil's offices will have a different look in a few years. Armed with degrees from professional colleges as the poor, black and mixed-race people would enter banks, software companies, hospitals and newsrooms in a few years time, Brazil will look, feel and talk like a different country. Though the Economist magazine would want us to believe that the "Brazil Spring" happened because the new middle class wants more public services, it's actually the Old Middle Class' revolt against the new one. As power and dominance slips from their hands, this class which lives independent of the state and spends $8 billion a year in the US alone, now wants the government to subsidize them. 

Salman Rushdie once wrote, "A nation is an imagined community". In the middle-class imagination in India and Brazil, the poor, the lower castes, the blacks, the minority are not part of the nation. So, when these groups get some power, it upsets the social balance which is in the favour of the few. So when they say "change", they mean status quo. When they says they "want their country back", they are asking for their privileges to be protected. And the politician who tries to disturb the status quo becomes the villain. And the billionaires, who are the main beneficiaries of corruption, get away with murder.  In countries like India and Brazil, corruption should be a big issue not because of some politicians and bureaucrats making money through bribes, but also because the bribe-givers -- big corporates and wealthy oligarchs --  are able to corner precious national resources at throw-away prices.  But in Brazil -- just like in India -- there was no anger against the real beneficiaries of corruption, only admiration of their wealth and power. 

The Brazilian street that swelled with anger for 10 days was very selective in its anger. In these two weeks of "people's uprising", I didn't see a single placard with a slogan that said "Tax the Rich" or "End racial discrimination" or "Equality for former slaves".  What the Brazilian street has demanded is a return to its past of inequality, unbridled capitalism, demonisation of political class and protection of privileges of the few. 

When the rich and privileged classes start demanding equality and social justice, the first casualty is democracy. 

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Brazil's street wants the country to make a U-turn

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